Michael Schur on Jarren Duran: "He went down, retooled his swing, came back, and he's gonna be a 9-win player this year. He might lead the league in doubles and triples, which would be the first time, I think, since Lou Brock in like '68 or something."
It's Cesar Tovar in 1970. From a rabbit hole I went down in 2019:
All I want for Christmas is Joey Votto on the Poscast Holiday draft.
They can draft which holiday characters are the best huggers.
Michael Schur on Jarren Duran: "He went down, retooled his swing, came back, and he's gonna be a 9-win player this year. He might lead the league in doubles and triples, which would be the first time, I think, since Lou Brock in like '68 or something."
It's Cesar Tovar in 1970. From a rabbit hole I went down in 2019:
I wonder Mike ever watches/listens to Mookie’s On Base? As someone who wants to be his best friend, you’d think he watches the show religiously!